Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Filler Up!"

Now I truly feel that I am on the road to a new me.

I had my first "fill" late this morning.
I went into the surgeons office, changed into a gown (open in the front) and after a short wait was literally filled up. The process was pretty painless. I think it took longer to change my clothes and navigate my way through the parking lot then the actual fill up.

Dr. B started by finding the ports on each expander. They have a small magnetic component . Once he located them he drew a small circle -- swabbed the area to make it sterile and then inserted a small needle that had a tube on one end that he screwed into the saline filled syringe. Each syringe contained 50cc's of saline (about 2 ounces.). My left was able to take 4 syringes -- 200cc's and my right was able to take 3 syringes -- 150cc's. He continues to be really pleased with my progress and has reminded me that I need to continue to take it slowly which means no exercising other than the motions he has shown me to prevent my shoulders from freezing. Oh and he made me swear that I would refrain from pole dancing. G-d bless his sense of humor.

So I have to say I am now feeling a lot like Growing Up Skipper. Do you remember that great doll from the late 70's? Barbie's little sister? You would take her arm -- rotate it backwards 180 degrees and her waist would get smaller, she would grow taller and her boobs would pop out. I mentioned this to Dr. B today and he assured me he would be able to expand my chest without twisting my arm. He also assured me that my height would not change and I think I am safe to assume my waistline will not either.

My next fill up is in two weeks.
It is really exciting to be getting a shape again.
More importantly it is amazing to be at this point in my journey.
I know how truly lucky I am to be in this place and I continue to be so grateful.

Ancora Imparo

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Celebrating the gift of love...

I have to say that today is another day to celebrate the love that I have for those I am so fortunate to have in my life and to take the time to say it.

Thank you for sharing your love with Mike, Sully and I while we have been on this journey.

Ancora Imparo

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Post Op Report...

I went to see my ONC this week as well as Dr. B my reconstruction surgeon. Things are continuing to heal really well. Both Docs are very pleased with my progress. My first fill (Mike and I have been referring to it as "fill-ups") will be later in the month. I have begun to work on some exercises to increase my mobility. Happily, I have much more flexibility than I did after my first surgery and am hopeful I will be back to full range of motion in a few weeks.

Because the initial instruction was that I needed to refrain from bending and lifting anything heavier than a milk carton for at least a week and should limit the use of my arms our magnificent friends from Sully's school have been preparing meals for us. What a gift this has been. I know I will be back to my regular routine very soon. While it takes longer to unload the dishwasher one plate at a time it is part of the bigger lesson in all of this which is to slow down -- life isn't always about multitasking.

Mike continues to be amazing. He is constantly asking if I am doing too much. Sully is doing great as well.

We three continue to have so very much to be thankful for.

Ancora Imparo