Sunday, November 22, 2009

The recent news...

We all have our opinions about the recent news this past week and the recommendation from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force to change the age of mammogram screenings.

When we heard this, Mike and I were completely shocked. Here I am 45 years old and a breast cancer survivor. Thank g-d I was being monitored and having the screening tests I had been having regularly or I might not be sitting here writing this...

And to not teach women breast self exams... I know several women who found suspicious lumps/masses this way and thankfully had doctors that followed up on their concerns and guess what -- these were not high risk women and oh yea they were in their 40's!

Personally, I think we need another form of early detection since mammograms do not pick up on all breast cancers. It did not lead to my diagnosis. And doesn't seem to be an effective screening tool if you have dense breast tissue which most women have. And to want to make this recommendation because of the psychological implications with a false positive reading... Ridiculous.

It just illustrates that you have to really be your own advocate and fight for what you feel is important.

The following article seems to be a bit more on track.

Ancora Imparo

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One Day...

Yesterday I went to a funeral for a dear friend's mom who lost her battle with cancer. I was incredibly moved by something the Pastor read. I know we all come from different faiths and have different beliefs but I truly think this is beautiful and want to share it with you.
Ancora Imparo

One Day
If God gave us only one day of life, it would have been generous.
If God gave us only one springtime or fall, one summer or winter, it would have been generous.
If God gave us only one day of laughter, it would have been generous.
If God gave us only one beautiful meal, beautifully served in a secure home, it would have been generous.
If God gave us only one friend to share the journey of time, it would have been generous.
If God gave us only one child, sound in mind and body, it would have been generous.
If God gave us only one storm that left us unharmed, it would have been generous.
If God gave us only one day for a good time with friends, it would have been generous.
If God gave us only one talent for creating beauty, it would have been generous.
If God let us laugh only once in the face of calamity, it would have been generous.
If God gave us only one moment's pride in the success of those we love, it would have been generous.

But God has given us life and time, joy and sorrow,
sunshine and storms, laughter and tears,
gifts to share and days to remember.
God has given us friends and lovers, children and parents,
you and me, and Himself as well.

It is God who gives us life,
who tells us ever after to choose life,
God who is our resurrection and our hope,
who dwells within our hearts as the spirit of life,
the vanquisher of death,
and the comforter of the afflicted.

-Donna Gordon