I went to see my ONC this week as well as Dr. B my reconstruction surgeon. Things are continuing to heal really well. Both Docs are very pleased with my progress. My first fill (Mike and I have been referring to it as "fill-ups") will be later in the month. I have begun to work on some exercises to increase my mobility. Happily, I have much more flexibility than I did after my first surgery and am hopeful I will be back to full range of motion in a few weeks.
Because the initial instruction was that I needed to refrain from bending and lifting anything heavier than a milk carton for at least a week and should limit the use of my arms our magnificent friends from Sully's school have been preparing meals for us. What a gift this has been. I know I will be back to my regular routine very soon. While it takes longer to unload the dishwasher one plate at a time it is part of the bigger lesson in all of this which is to slow down -- life isn't always about multitasking.
Mike continues to be amazing. He is constantly asking if I am doing too much. Sully is doing great as well.
Mike continues to be amazing. He is constantly asking if I am doing too much. Sully is doing great as well.
We three continue to have so very much to be thankful for.
Ancora Imparo
Thanks G-d for uneventful healing! We are praying for nothing but boredom on the health horizon in the future!!!
We love you.
Marilyn, Fred, and Betty
All good news! Its great to hear you have more flexibility this time - one could easily think that wouldn't be the case. How great that Sully's 'peeps' have been helping out as well. Glad Mike is still amazing, but hey, we would expect nothing else!
Keep healing and have a great weekend.
Here is a whole bunch more love and support to you, Mike and Sully! Keep going my friend!
How terrific and "uplifting" your post was! So happy to hear how you're doing.
I've been sidelined by the nuisance of an ear infection...as soon as this thing clears up, I have a new recipe for a Taco Bake that I'd love to make for you guys.
Susan, Larry & Matthew
Tara has filled me in on all the good news...YAY!!! You continue to be in my thoughts everyday. We are taking Jordan to the airport Tuesday am for her 3 month adventure in Israel!!!!! She will put a note in the Wall for your continued good health!!!
So glad all is progressing so well... Your continued bright outlook is wonderful and inspirational to everyone... Happy Valentine's Day to you and your amazing family... Because of your sharing your story there is definitely more love in this world now...Corny but true! Aunt E/ Uncle M
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