Thursday, January 28, 2010

In The News...

The Roy and Patricia Disney Cancer Center is opening in a few short weeks.
Yesterday, I was asked to take part in a press conference.
It was incredible to walk around this beautifully breathtaking facility that is focused on making a difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families. I was honored to be a part of this press tour and share my story.

I was even featured on our local news and in today's newspaper.

Cancer center takes new treatment approach

Ancora Imparo

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


It's been 10+ months since I have had a haircut.
So I took myself to have it reshaped and slightly trimmed this morning.
The curls are here to stay....

Ancora Imparo

Friday, January 15, 2010

It's Almost Here...

The Roy and Patricia Disney Cancer Center is almost here.
I was recently asked a few questions.
Feel free to check out my story.

Ancora Imparo


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Hello 2010!

May this new year bring health, happiness, peace and prosperity to all of us.
A lot has happened for M, S and I since March of 2008.
We are all hoping that cancer treatment can now be a closed chapter in our lives forever!

I have continued to heal very well since my surgery on 12/3. Dr. B continues to be very happy with my progress and I was able to ring in the new year bandage free which is HUGE.

Thank you for continuing to share your love and light with all of us.

Ancora Imparo
Marla, Mike and Sully