Monday, March 30, 2009

I look busty?

I had my 3rd fill up last week.
And was told today that I looked busty!

A longer post will be coming about what it feels like to have hit the year mark since my diagnosis and the details about fill-up #3.

Ancora Imparo


Andy Levy-Stevenson said...

More than 20 years since I last saw you, I find it quite surreal that I'm sitting here in Israel thinking good thoughts about your breasts.

What a long strange trip it's been!

Glad that things seem to be going so well; thinking of you. All of you, not just your breasts. I thought I should clarify that.


Anonymous said...

Was that "busty" comment from some rad dude on the street???? Mike may need to hire a body guard for you....Just a thought.

Marilyn, Fred and Betty

Aaron said...

I am very happy for all of you. By that I of course mean you, Mike, Sully...and your breasts.

joyce said...

Enjoy your "bodacious tatas!!!" but maybe even more importantly, enjoy the fact that they are healthy, you are healthy and YOU HAVE CONQUERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to see you all soon!!!