Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

So much to be thankful for...
So much to be grateful for...

Hoping that the beginning of the holiday season is filled with love, peace and happiness

Ancora Imparo

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Another Year Older!

I have always been a big fan of birthdays. The cake, the balloons, the presents... I know some people have real issues with turning a year older. Not this gal. Even before getting sick I enjoyed my special day. Now it has become a true reminder that life is worth celebrating. M and S made my day very special and the three of us enjoyed a nice dinner out.

The day was filled with many unexpected surprises. I was interviewed by a reporter for an article they were doing about weSpark and a big event they are having on October 4, 2010.

I found out that my Wings of Courage Pendant was going to be tweeted about and was going to be featured on the blog skinny purse.

And I was showered with wonderful b-day greetings from friends, family and my FB peeps.

As I embrace this new year I continue to be so blessed.
Ancora Imparo


Thursday, July 29, 2010

So Sorry For Your Loss...

We got word yesterday that a dear friend of ours lost her sister to lung cancer.
Our heart goes out to J and the entire K family during this time.

This truly reminds me how precious life is.
How fragile life is.
And how important it is to take the time to cultivate the things that we deem as important or fulfilling.

Ancora Imparo

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hey Stranger

It feels like ages since I have posted.
Thankfully all is well in our corner of the world.

The big medical update is that the aromatase inhibitor I have been taking has just gone generic! I welcomed my $15 copay with open arms... I shrieked with such enthusiasm at my local CVS they asked me if I was okay. I didn't want to bore them with the details of having to get samples from my doctor for the last couple of years because I couldn't afford the cost of the medication and didn't qualify for the program the pharmaceutical company offers so, I quickly controlled my excitement, gathered my goodies and headed out doing a happy dance the entire way home.

Recent checkups have all been great. I continue to be monitored and will return in early September for more tests. I welcome these checkups as a way to be proactive. Earlier this week I saw Dr. B, my reconstruction surgeon, it's been close to six months since I have seen him. He continues to be really pleased with how things turned out. I must say, I am really happy as well.

I was recently featured in a newspaper article in the Burbank Leader. It was beautifully written by Chloe Mayer and included two fantastic photos that Tim Berger took. Both parties are staff for the LA Times/Burbank Leader. The interview came out of the blue and was truly special. I am honored to be able to share my story and touched that people want to read it.

Cancer Survivor Gives Back

Wings of Courage necklaces are still going strong. Last week I made the donation for necklace sales for the first two quarters of 2010 to the WOC designated charity partners - Young Survival Coalition and weSpark Cancer Support Center.

Today I found out that actress Samaire Armstrong recently wore a Wings of Courage necklace to an event and was photographed on the red carpet. Pretty cool indeed.

Samaire Armstrong

I feel incredibly blessed to be able to reach others through my journey. I continue to learn lessons and grow from this experience. I have truly have so much to be grateful for.

Ancora Imparo


Thursday, June 10, 2010

What's New?

Long time no posting.

This past Saturday S and I participated in the San Fernando Valley Relay for Life event.
This was especially moving as S was part of the honor guard presenting the opening flag ceremony.
The first lap at these events is for the survivor and it truly is an honor to be able to walk this lap.
The second lap is for the survivor and those that supported them on their journey.

All scans and tests are a-o-k. My thyroid seems to be the latest body part that is under a watchful eye. It turns out I have some calcified nodules that are being monitored. This is new news. I have never had a thyroid issue. Chemo has been known to destroy thyroids although it seems that my nodules have been there for a long time... In a few more months I will go in and have another thyroid ultrasound just to make sure they are not growing.

I have been getting more physically active. My now post menopausal body is grateful for the attention. I am attending a weekly oncology fitness class and as a family we are enjoying a lot of outdoor activities with S's new BS troop.

I continue to learn so much from this journey and truly have so very much to be thankful for.

Ancora Imparo

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Join the Team

On Saturday, May 8, 2010, we will be walking in the Revlon Run/Walk to raise awareness for women's cancers.

Right around the time this journey began for me, I was truly touched when a friend asked if she could have a picture of me for her Run/Walk bib. She explained to me why she was walking and that her bib was to honor those women in her life who were battling cancer. A week after she finished her walk I recieved a note from her in the mail along with her medal that was given to her when she crossed the finish line. I have had this medal hanging up over my desk since receiving it.

I am so honored to  be able to participate in this walk as a survivor this year. I am also honored that I will be walking with a group of people on the Wings of Courage team.

Ancora Imparo

Monday, April 5, 2010

In Print...

I was very excited to get my mail today.
There awaiting me was a letter from the managing editor of Women & Cancer magazine along with the spring issue. Her note read: We're happy to feature Wings of Courage" in this issue. 
Ancora Imparo

Saturday, March 27, 2010

2 years ago...

2 years ago today we were told I had cancer. What a journey it has been.

I consider myself blessed and incredibly fortunate as I have seen far too many people unable to beat this disease. I continue to learn so much. And I continue to thank you for your love and support.

Ancora Imparo


Thursday, January 28, 2010

In The News...

The Roy and Patricia Disney Cancer Center is opening in a few short weeks.
Yesterday, I was asked to take part in a press conference.
It was incredible to walk around this beautifully breathtaking facility that is focused on making a difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families. I was honored to be a part of this press tour and share my story.

I was even featured on our local news and in today's newspaper.

Cancer center takes new treatment approach

Ancora Imparo

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


It's been 10+ months since I have had a haircut.
So I took myself to have it reshaped and slightly trimmed this morning.
The curls are here to stay....

Ancora Imparo

Friday, January 15, 2010

It's Almost Here...

The Roy and Patricia Disney Cancer Center is almost here.
I was recently asked a few questions.
Feel free to check out my story.

Ancora Imparo


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Hello 2010!

May this new year bring health, happiness, peace and prosperity to all of us.
A lot has happened for M, S and I since March of 2008.
We are all hoping that cancer treatment can now be a closed chapter in our lives forever!

I have continued to heal very well since my surgery on 12/3. Dr. B continues to be very happy with my progress and I was able to ring in the new year bandage free which is HUGE.

Thank you for continuing to share your love and light with all of us.

Ancora Imparo
Marla, Mike and Sully