Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Life Force...

Yesterday I went to my second Reiki session at weSpark. Just in case this is a new term for you here is a little definition from reiki.org.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

It is always an interesting experience to have energy work. My biggest challenge is lying still and quieting my mind. I have the same issue in Yoga. My mind wanders. Yesterday, I started thinking about dinner. As in what should I make for dinner... what ingredients do I have on hand to make a balanced and quick dinner. So as I was lying there yesterday and A was leading me in Reiki I thought about making a nice fresh green salad and steamed broccoli but that turned to roasted zucchini because I just picked up some nice organic zucchini and steaming seemed so pedantic. But then it was time to figure out the entree. And all the while I thought I just need to be in the moment. Which worked temporarily until I thought about my 88 year old Grandma and her broken telephone which would be repaired today. This went on for an hour. My mind wandering while A worked on my life force. I have to say I did relax and I did take a lot in. I am continuing to remind myself to be in the moment. It is one of the many new mantras that I have since being on this journey.

Earlier in the morning I worked on my resume and surfed the net for potential job leads. This felt good. My return to work date is January 5, 2009.

These are my thoughts; because I have met and continue to meet so many amazing people on this journey. I am looking for a job where I can give back. Ideally I want to work for an organization or cause. I am excited about the prospect of doing something different and about the opportunity to make a difference and help others along the way.

Ancora Imparo


Anonymous said...

The moment that I am in right now is one the includes savoring the thought that you have a 1/5/09 return to work date! S'hecheanu comes immediately to mind.

I can't stop smiling...and Fred and Betty will feel the same when I give them this news!

With love always.

Marilyn, Fred and Betty

Aaron said...


It is so exciting to see you looking ahead not just to another procedure but to a return to work. While you will find yourself looking in a job market that is decidedly more challenging than the one you were forced to step away from, what you will bring to whatever you do is an even greater ability to handle whatever comes your way with talent, determination,and a very positive attitude.

As for making a difference and helping others along the way, one thing I do know is that will be part of the deal no matter what you end up doing, because that's just who you are.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

You certainly are inspiring! I will admit, I do the same thing whenever I have acupuncture or taking a yoga class - my mind is putting things in order, creating a 'to do list' - I GET IT!

You make a difference in my life so I know that where ever you work - they will be so blessed to have you on their team!

