Sunday, June 15, 2008

One More Hair Cut...

As promised I wanted to share my new hairdo with all of you.
I think I look a little like a Monchichi.

Seriously, I am really happy that I had my hair cut short. [#6 setting on shears for those familiar with that type of hair cut.] While I am still losing quite a bit of hair and it is any ones guess as to what will be left in the weeks to come -- psychologically speaking seeing little teeny hairs in the bottom of the shower is a lot less overwhelming then the sheer magnitude of a couple days ago. Not to mention it is a heck of a lot easier to take care of.

Here is a pic I took tonight.

While it looks really short in my groovn' self portrait let me assure you it is getting shorter by the moment. One little itch of my scalp followed by one little scratch on my head and several short hairs jump ship -- when out and about I am getting fond of wearing bandannas, scarves, baseball caps and hats. Sully's first reaction to my T-shirt turban that I sported the other day was that I looked like a Muslim which he has proclaimed he isn't too fond of. He has also shared that he is not fond of my short hair (which we remind him is getting shorter every day) but he is getting used to it. Last night he did say that my head coverings now resemble a Pirate. And since we all have a fondness for Jack Sparrow in our household all I can say is... Savvy! (We are blessed that our child is comfortable enough to speak his mind and share what his thoughts and feelings are.)

Mike asked when was the last time my hair was this short and I had to think about it. Honestly it was when I was a baby and my hair was growing in... which made me think that when I get to the other side of Chemo and am free of treatment it will be a rebirth in a sense -- my new hairstyle is all part of the process. Some say your hair falling out is a sign that the Chemo is working. I like that idea a lot!

Before you say "uh, Mar the ribbon is upside down" let me explain.
Yesterday, I heard a 5-year cancer survivor speak at the Providence Saint Joseph Cancer Survivor Day. I was really taken with what this lady had to say. One day during the course of her treatment she looked closely at the awareness ribbon and came up with something truly inspiring. She now shares this vision with others.
The bottom loop of the ribbon forms a teardrop, honoring those who've paved the way for us. The top forms a "V" for "Victory" as every day more of us are winning the battle against cancer.
Her name is Mary Ann Madden and her campaign is called "Turn the Ribbon 'Round." After hearing her speak I turned the awareness ribbon on the back of my car 'round. I am now waiting for someone to ask me why it is upside down so I can tell them about Mary and her vision.

Tomorrow I will begin taking the anti-emetic meds in preparation for Chemo #2 (Tuesday.) I am hopeful the side effects will continue to be manageable.

Happy Father's Day!
Ancora Imparo


Anonymous said... do look like a Monchichi...and how adorable is that??!!! I had forgotten their existence until you reminded me...

I love the turned around awareness ribbon story. What a wonderful spirit this lady is yours, Marla. Believing in positive outcomes does amazing things for you and for everyone who loves you.

We take off for Seattle early Wednesday, and will be gone for one week. You will be in our thoughts and prayers as we travel...may this chemo session be easy, effortless, and effective.

With love to you all.

Marilyn, Fred and Betty

Aaron said...


You are once again the trend setter. My scalp had a close encounter with a nice Gillette razor over the weekend. We’re now practically twins...except for the goatee, of course. :)

Okay Mike, your turn.

I'm glad Sully is able to be open with you guys about what he's feeling. As I expressed a few months back (I think in an email to Mike) my mother had several life threatening health issues when I was growing up. Without dwelling on all the fun details, let’s just say it’s the kind of stuff that leaves memories that are still vivid decades later. It’s a very difficult situation for a kid to process, and Sully is lucky to have parents who can talk openly (with a sense of humor) about what’s going on, which I’m sure goes a long way towards helping him deal openly with it.

Good luck with #2, you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.


Unknown said...

You all inspire me!!! Sully is blessed with you two!! Humor is the way to go, it always was in our house when I was growing up and now so with our kids.

With this new hair style, does that mean we can rub your head for luck? Just askin'

When we say Thank You God everynight with the kids, you all are in our prayers, we Thank God for you!

God Bless -

Stephenie, Michael, Kiernan and Schuyler

Anonymous said...

Love the story of the upside down ribbon! Thanks for sharing. You look great with short short short hair! WIsh we were there to give you all a HUGE HUGE HUGE hug now! Much much much love!

Juls said...

I LOVE the hair. While this probably isn't the end, it looks great so far. And good for Sully that he's comfortable with what's going on and can tell you what he's really thinking. I suppose that can be annoying in other scenarios but in this context, it's a good, honest, cathartic expression.

And WOW on that ribbon story. I think it's truly fantastic and inspiring beyond words. What an amazing woman Mary Ann is. God bless her and her message. Yet another hero among us. How amazing that you got to hear her speak. I'm sure she pumped up the room tenfold.

Hope you're feeling good today.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marla,

Thinking of you and hoping you are feeling OK today after Chemo #2.

I loved the ribbon story and it has changed forever the way I will look at those beautiful pink ones.

Stay cool in this hot weather.

Susan, Larry & Matthew

CBD Simplist said...

Thinking of you today—was no fun watching the big premiere last night with out you by my side to make snarky comments! Moran tried to fill in but it was ruined by her asking after every act "Did they make it through? How about them?" And Russ was just tallying up his residuals since they used show footage in the Kraft commercial. I'm sure he'll be happy to share some it with you to pay for medical bills :) But seriously folks, they both send their best to you. And only one more story, i promise, Russ asked me point blank, "Is marla going to be okay?" and I started to formulate a complex answer and then I stopped my brain and looked him in the eye and said definitively, "YES. Absolutely." If your situation has taught me anything it is to be much more definitive with my positivity. :) Miss you, hope you're feeling okay today!

joyce said...

i am addicted to your blog and to your contagious humor and positive is not just an outlook, it is the essence of you!!! My thoughts today, besides work related, were of you and your boys and your triumph over your next round of chemo!!!! The girls wanted to send you some of their bandannas. Julia got a plain white Gilligan's island hat and insisted on coloring it for you. If she doesn't lose it between now and her sleepover at a friends, it's yours!! We are leaving for NY on Sat and return on the 29th when we send jenna to camp for a week. I will done with work and will finally be able to get over to you and embrace my dear friend!!!! You continue to be good to yourself, let others do for you and feel the love and support that is abundant. YOU ROCK MARLA!!!

Hugs to you, Mike and "Mowgli"