Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Little R & R...

Hello All,

Here we sit online on our respective computers. Mike is downloading music for his MP3 player and giving me assorted clues to help me guess the instrumental tunes he is finding. Which is making me chuckle as his game of charades is pretty funny and is keeping me sharp before "chemo brain" sets in.

We are enjoying a nice quiet weekend bundled up in our winter clothes.

Yesterday we took a road trip with Sully. We drove 42 miles to get our Chick-Fil-A fix and it was absolutely worth it. We Zacks love our CFA and if we had one closer we would be mighty happy. The option was to drive 24 miles to Torrance or 42 miles to Upland -- since the traffic in this crazy town is well, crazy, we thought it would take less time to drive to Upland and since we were there we were able to enjoy historic old town Upland where we window shopped and took in the local museum. The docent was great and wouldn't you know it she grew up in beautiful downtown Burbank. She was planning her next trip to Burbank to go to the local Hungarian market. For those wondering what that market is... It's Otto's.

Prior to our road trip I took some time in the morning to re-read some of the chemo literature I was given. I am thankful I did. I need to begin taking one of the anti-emetic meds in the morning (I had the prescription filled earlier in the week.) In my reading I noticed that the medication breakdown on my label differed greatly from the breakdown in the pamphlet. Since I am beginning to take this medication on a "holiday" when the doctors office is closed I called the pharmacist and the on call oncologist. I can share with you all that the medication has now been re-labeled and I will be taking the correct dosage -- lest you think I was going to be over medicated -- I wasn't. The typo would have had me under medicated and my understanding with this drug (dexamethasone [decadron]) is you have to take it as correctly prescribed and on time for the next 3 days. It was a "simple" mix up. Nice to know that everyone can make a mistake. Yes a little sarcasm.

How about that Phoenix landing on Mars?! Pretty exciting stuff. I liked seeing the live control room footage. Sully was so excited about this. He still wants to be an astronaut when he grows up.

Have a great day off tomorrow.

Ancora Imparo



Juls said...

I must have chemo brain already because I couldn't follow the medication story. As long as you're getting it, then I'm satisfied. And I want to go with you on your next road trip to Chick-Fil-A. YUM! Last time I had it was in Nashville 4 years ago.

Anonymous said...

You certainly DON'T have chemo brain yet!!! For noticing the difference in dosages, you deserve an "A" for alertness!!

I feel so spoiled by having a Chick-Fil-A about a mile from here. Maybe we should try to send you a Care package...on the other hand, given the fact that we desire calm interiors for all of you...maybe not!

The grandkids were here for part of the weekend, and we spent most of our time together swimming and going to Busch Gardens. Not a bad way to occupy a long weekend. Hope your Memorial Day has been memorable...

We will be thinking of you on Tuesday, and hoping that your ani-nausea medicine works perfectly. Let us know how it goes.

With love and positive thoughts from us all.

Marilyn, Fred and Betty

joyce said...

You rock Marla!! In every remind us all about what is most important in life....a drive to Chick-Fil-A with your beloved family all the way in Upland!! (I have no idea what Chick-Fil-A is but it must be pretty damn good) But I remember our JCA days and didn't we pass Upland on the way to Barton Flats??? Maybe it is my failing memory, But it did bring back sweet memories of our time up there!!

We spent our Memorial Day weekend with Adam's sisters in San Diego...our nephew, JT (our ring boy at our wedding)graduated USD and made us all very proud. Where does the time go?? Marla, you inspire us to make every moment count!! We will be thinking of you on Tuesday and praying for an easy 1st treatment. Our love is with you ALWAYS!! Hugs to the boys!!


Aaron said...

No doubt about it, Five Pokes is expanding the horizons of its readers in ways we could scarcely have imagined even a few short weeks ago. We have Chick-Fil-A in LA? Where I have I been?! I just checked their website and it turns out there are 8 locations within a 50 mile radius, but as you point out, given traffic, it may still be faster to get to one by hopping a plane to Atlanta. :) Thanks for adding another event to my task list!

The dosage snafu is quite disturbing, but also a good object lesson to us all about the importance of being an active participant in one’s own treatment. Keep those eyes wide open and keep asking questions.

Wishing you the best of luck this week...we're all praying for you.

Take care,
Aaron W