Friday, July 11, 2008

This Too Shall Pass...

As I have shared before the Friday after my Chemo seems to hit me the hardest. This has been the pattern for the last three rounds. Thankfully I only have one more Friday to feel this WONKY. After getting Sully off to camp and gratefully being able to come home and rest for hours and hours I finally got a change of scenery and hit the couch. I just logged on (my home page is and had to share what was awaiting me as it really captured my thoughts and feelings for today.

Friday, July 11, 2008 -- Even though your morning may not have been productive, there is still much you can accomplish in the afternoon. Even though you've suffered some setbacks, there are still plenty of options for moving forward.

Even though you may disagree with what someone has to say, you can benefit greatly from understanding that person's point of view. Even though you find yourself in difficult and challenging circumstances, there is much value for you to create.

Even though you may feel like quitting, you have what it takes to keep going. Even though the goal seems far away, every step brings you closer.

Even though there are plenty of reasons for you to feel sorry for yourself, you can choose instead to renew your determination and enthusiasm. Even though your path is filled with obstacles, you can truly enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from successfully moving beyond each one.

Even though darkness may at times surround you, your light can shine more brightly than ever. Even though you may occasionally grow weary, there's always a way to renew and re-energize yourself.

Even though the road has its twists and turns, the journey is worth the effort. Keep going, keep growing, keep learning and loving and living with all the richness your precious life deserves.

-- Ralph Marston

So with Ralph's wisdom I am once again reminded that this is all temporary and in a few days I will be feeling more like myself.

Ancora Imparo


Anonymous said...

Dear Marla,

I think that Ralph Marston ought to be coming to YOU for inspiration.

I'm not particularly religious, but I hope that today being Shabbat, you have a day that is restful, restorative, peaceful, and comfortable.


Aaron said...

Hi Marla,

I hope your WONKY Friday led to a WONDERFUL weekend. :)

Take care,

CBD Simplist said...

just reading thru the posts of the past couple weeks and thinking how much I miss you. Hope you are resting and recovering and having lots of popsicles.

joyce said...

Just about 1 hour away from Monday morning and my wish for you is that today brings you energy, smiles and "wonklessness"...that would be without wonkyness..hope that made sense!

Just got a postcard in the mail (for another JCA Alumni reunion) with one of our staff photos on the cover...and there we are, you, me, Adam, Nicole, and the rest of the gang from 1980 something! WOW! The date is August 3....are you busy?? You have plenty on your plate, but you know Adam and I would do ANYTHING to have you there! Take one day at a time and let us know.

In the meantime, continue to nourish your body and soul with love, warm fuzzies and whatever else the doctors prescribe!!!

Biggest hugs

Juls said...

Wow, what an amazing comment. I wish I had seen that before. It totally belongs in your strength book. I'll work on the addition.