Monday, July 21, 2008

Worth Sharing...

So I got an email from a friend today who asked me a couple of questions so I thought I would share a bit of the email chain.
I want to know how you are doing?
How's your health- in all respects?

Great to hear from you.

I have responded well to all treatments thus far and have been using all of this as an opportunity to be very clear about what my wants and needs are...

Physically I feel really strong and Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually even stronger.

The blog that we started has been extremely cathartic.
I am able to select what I want to share with others...

I am uncertain about the future from a "career" standpoint as I have said farewell to the work I have done for so many years and have no idea where I will land once I am given the all clear that I can return to the workforce.

In the meantime I go to the Cancer support center whenever I can and take a myriad of classes there. My favorites are Tai Chi and Creative Writing. I have yet to take part in the energy work that they offer but will be scheduling that this week. My support group has given me a lot and I have had the opportunity to speak with a couple of women privately who are now at the beginning of their own personal journeys. I was even asked to be part of our local hospitals "breast friends" network (in association with the American Cancer Society) -- so I feel like I am doing something right. :)

Just last week I picked up the guitar and started playing again which has been a tremendous feeling.
It has been close to 10 years since I practiced.
I continue to be truly grateful for all that I am able to accomplish in a day. I know that a huge part of my healing is due to the incredible support, prayers and love that continue to come to all of us.

Ancora Imparo


Aaron said...


You are so brave in so many ways, not just because of the challenge you face every day as you battle this disease, but also because you've had the courage to share this journey with all of us who read this blog, and now by "paying it forward" with the other women you are sharing your experiences with.

When I was in my sophomore year of college, I went to the doctor and had some tests run. A small mass was discovered, and I was told there was a 98% chance is was malignant. I was living in Boston at the time, so I made my way to the Harvard Medical School library and found everything I could on the subject. Most was technical, but I did what I could to decipher it. I scheduled surgery, finished finals and then told my parents the day before I went into the hospital. (I had an independent streak!) Unbelievably, the tumor was benign. I’ve never been so happy in my life to beat the odds!

After I recovered from the surgery, I tried to figure out a way to get something positive out of the experience, so given the fact that I was in film school, I decided to make a documentary about my experience. The final piece won best documentary at the National Broadcasting Society’s student awards and I donated the completed project to the American Cancer Society.

My point is that like me, Mike and many of your friends, you are a communicator, so you are doing what communicators do. In that cathartic moment, you share you vulnerability with the world, but you also share your strength. You take a bad situation and do something to find good in it. As you look to the future and your “career” keep that in mind. What starts here on a blog may yet take your message in unexpected yet familiar directions.

Be well,

Anonymous said...

We know this is the Zack blog, but this is a message for Aaron...

Aaron, we love your beautiful mind and your warm heart.

Marilyn, Fred and Betty

joyce said...

marla have incredible friends!!!!!!!!!!!! Their comments are clearly a relection of how they ADORE you. One day, when we are braiding Marla's long luxurious hair and admiring her new "angelinas," (and most of all, rejoicing in her health!!!!), I would love to meet you, Aaron, Marilyn, Fred and Betty!

Hope you are feeling well, Marla! My love always to you and your team!!!!


Buff said...
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Buff said...

Hey Marla! You have been heavily on my mind. I read everything up-to-date. Sounds like you're having time to sit and reflect on life that has past, but even better, life left to live! I love that you picked up the guitar. Keep playing. I just read a great article about musicians doing work in hospitals. It's so soothing and healing for the soul.

The hair is irrelevant when one has such a beautiful face and smile such as yours! You are beaming!

Just wanted to check in and let you know I love you.

Big hug, Buff